types of bones and skeletal areas

  • Created by: 2siobhan
  • Created on: 22-12-16 15:53
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  • Skeletal areas
    • Pelvis
      • Illium
      • Ishium
      • Pubis
    • Vertebral column
      • Cervical (7)
      • Thoracic (12)
      • Lumbar (5)
      • Sacrum(5)
      • Coccyx (4)
      • 3 natural curves of the spine
      • Makes up 40% of a persons overall height
      • Held together by LIGAMENTS
      • Together; lots of movement
      • Individually; not a lot
    • Axil skeleton
      • Used for protection and support
      • Found in the core of the body
        • Cranium
        • Vertebral column
        • Rib cage
    • Appendicular skeleton
      • used for movement
      • Found in the limbs
        • Legs
        • Arms
    • Types of bones
      • Long bones
        • Long
        • Found in limbs
        • Used for large movement
      • Short bones
        • Short
        • Used for small interact movements
        • In the hand
      • Irregular bones
        • Irregular in shape
        • e.g. vertebra
      • Flat bones
        • Flat
        • used for protection
        • large surface area
        • e.g scapula
      • sesamoid
        • e.g..knee
        • inbeded with tendons
        • used for protection


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