Healthy active lifestyle
- Created by: Yasmin27
- Created on: 24-03-15 17:29
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- Healthy active lifestyle
- Influences
- family - can influence to do certain sports. If their parents didn't have the chance to do certain things they want their child to do their best.
- Friends - If your friends are involved in sports you may be influenced to take up those sports.
- Media - seeing celebrities involved in sports may influence you to be like them.
- Gender - there is still gender bias associated with some sports some are becoming recognised for both sex.
- Disability - Your are limited to how you can participate in an activity most sports can be adapted.
- Culture - some religions will not allow people to do certain sports.
- Resources
- location - facilities may be too far away
- availability - restricted from opening hours
- access - might not have the facilities
- time -people don't have the time
- Health - related exercise
- Muscular strength - the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance .
- Body composition - the percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone.
- Cardiovasculr- the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time.
- Flexibility - the movement possible at the joint
- muscular endurance - the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired.
- Health and well-being
- Illness - you can't participate on temporary basis
- Health problems - these will prevent you from doing types of activities
- HEALTH - a complete state of physical, mental and social well - being
- FITNESS - the ability to meet the demands of the environment you are able to cope with the amount of physical work needed.
- EXERCISE - form a physical activity done to maintain or improve health, physical fitness, its not competitive sport.
- socio - ecomic
- cost - some activities are more expensive.
- status - associated with different socio - economic groups within the society.
- Skill related fitness
- AGILITY - ability to change position of the body to control movement of the body.
- SPEED - rate at which an individual is able to preform movement or cover a distance in a period of time.
- POWER - ability to do strength performances quickly
- COORDINATION - ability to move more than one body part at a time.
- BALANCE - ability to retain the body's centre of mass
- REACTION TIME - time between presentation of a stimulus and movement
- Influences
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