Skills Afon syfynwy
- Created by: 10hughesb
- Created on: 28-04-16 12:09
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- Skills Afon syfynwy
- Aim
- To investigate downstreamchanges in channel variables.
- Hypothesis
- Alternate: There is a stastistically significant relationship between the hydraulic radius and the velocity.
- Null: There is no stastistically significant relationship between the hydraulic radius and the velocity.
- Spearmans rank
- RS value: 0.71
- Critical value 95% - 0.648 99% - 0.794
- Our RSvalue > critical value at 95% < 99% value
- Only 5 in 100 cases the resulst were obtained by chance.
- Accept the alternate hypothesis reject the null hypothesis.
- Collecting the data
- Equipment
- Tape measure
- Stopwatch
- Meter ruler
- Hydroprop and impellor
- Pebble callipers
- Dumpy level
- Better quipment could be used like; digital flow meter, laser callipers but it would have been more expensive.
- Use examples when describing a sampling method
- e.g. at site 3 the river was 3 meters wide, we wanted 5 different sections. measured the velocity every 50cm accross the river.
- Equipment
- Why we choose that river
- We were staying at the field centre and the river is within half an hour drive
- Accessiable
- The river was short so we could sample the whole river in a whole day.
- Location
- North Prembrokshire
- Source: Preseli hills 526m above sea level
- Site 1: Pantmaenog Forest, 1st order stream. Used for forestry
- Sote 2: Further downstream, 2nd order stream.
- Catchment: 67km2
- Site 3: Close to the village of Rosebush, before the resivour. 3rd order stream.
- Site 4: Located close to the Llys-y-Fran resivour at 'Farthing Bridge' 4th order
- Conclusion
- Our results are incompleate
- We could not measure around the waterfall, residential area or at the mouth
- Tentative (not good)
- Only relavant to that river in that season on that day.
- The whole river was not sampled
- Further studies could be carried out on different rivers in different seasons
- The study helped us better understand the Bradshaw model
- As we saw the rive characteristics change as we moved downstream
- Our results are incompleate
- Aim
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