Slavery: History Mind-map
- Created by: gerblin
- Created on: 18-05-18 13:30
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- slavery
- what is slavery?
- civil rights
- civil rights are freedoms which all citizens of a /democratic country/ have as a right
- eg/ freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly
- slavery is being owned by someone, essentially becoming someone else's property.
- freedom is the right to act speak and think as one wants/ the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
- civil rights
- modern slavery
- there are aprox. 30mill slaves worldwide
- in places like: Poland, Romania, Nigeria etc.
- just ove 2/3 of victimes are female
- examples of modern slavery
- Bonded labour
- child labour
- Forced marrage
- descent-based slavery
- there are aprox. 30mill slaves worldwide
- the slave trade
- the triangular trade
- 1) British merchants sailed to wast Africa to trade arms and other processed goods
- 2) slaves were taken across the Atlantic (middle passage) to America
- 3) raw materials (eg/ cotton, sugar, tobacco) are shipped back to Britain to be processed
- how did it develop in the 17th and 18th century
- for the first time, plantations were used in the Caribbean, meaning the number of slaves being transported hugely increased
- it was Britain's biggest enterprise in the 18th century
- it meant that Britain had the raw materials to process and profit off of eg/ cotton mills
- eg/ Manchester-Cottonopalice also Liverpool and Bristol
- the triangular trade
- Middle Passage
- extremely tight conditions - often unable to move
- From traders perspective: too loosely packed- not enough slaves but too tightly packed- disease & death
- breathing could become difficult
- smell: vomit, faeces etc.
- disease was common eg/ small pox, ophthalmia etc.
- extremely tight conditions - often unable to move
- Slave Auction
- treatment of slaves
- they were handled like animals
- families were often separated
- How were Auctions Organised?
- one type: highest bidder IE. your classic auction
- another:grab and go - took place on the ship, everyone got a ticket, each slave had a predetermind price
- treatment of slaves
- King Cotton
- what was the relationship between slavery and cotton?
- cotton was grown in slave states
- when the production expanded to new states, the population of slaves increased
- slave states were all in the south (Dixeland)
- slaves worked on the plantations, and picked an processed the cotton
- cotton was grown in slave states
- Why Did Slavery and Cotton Production Expand in the 19th Century?
- Eli Witneys cotton gin made cotton processing much easier and faster
- this increased the demand for cotton
- industrial revolution increased demand for cotton, increasing demand for slaves
- US constitution said not to discus slavery until 1808, so people imported slaves before it was banned
- Eli Witneys cotton gin made cotton processing much easier and faster
- what was the relationship between slavery and cotton?
- what is slavery?
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