sleep disorders
- Created by: ka.tiexx
- Created on: 06-11-17 14:46
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- sleep disorders
- narcolepsy
- symptons
- excessive day time sleepiness
- hallucinations
- cataplexy
- experience loss of muscle
- sleep paralaysis and abnormal rem sleep
- explanation
- brain chemicals (hypocretin, orexin) can be missing or damaged
- genes
- 10 percent of people with narcolepsy have other members of the family who also suffer
- stress and trauma can affect it
- symptons
- insomnia
- symptons
- difficulty falling asleeep
- waking up a lot during the night
- frequently lying awake
- not feeling refreshed on waking
- finding it hard to fall asleep
- explanation
- lifestyles that include a .lot of jetlag
- health conditions / depression heart problems
- medication, food and drink can affectsleep patterns
- symptons
- narcolepsy
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