Social Change in the DDR - Germany
- Created by: RConwa_y
- Created on: 22-05-18 11:23
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- Social Change in the DDR
- Peasants
- Gained land, but were later forced to join a collective
- Farmers given better machinery
- Increase in educational opportunities (especially Higher Education)
- Factory Workers
- Workers were given more higher education opportunities
- Promotion was available to loyal party members. They were given the opportunity to manage factories
- Women
- Many became doctors
- Increases support, with the provision of maternity care. Schools and after-school facilities allow women to work part-time
- Mass organisations
- Free German Trade Union League (FDGB) - established for workers. The SED controlled the policies
- Democratic Women's League of Germany - mass organisation of women
- League of Culture - intellectuals who wanted an ant0fascist state supported this
- Society for Sports and Technology - organised sporting opportunities and prepared for war
- German-Soviet Frienship Society - attempted to improve rlations with Russia and reiforced the idea that Germany had been liberated by Russia
- Youth education
- The youth represented the future and needed to be won over by communism. Schools became "polytechnic" schools
- The SED controlled youth organisations. Scholarships were available for the disadvantaged and university was opened up to all
- The professional and aristocratic classes were often discriminated against. Many left to study in the West
- Youth opposition
- Not all were won over by the state. There was some support for Western Culture (particularly rock-and-roll music. The states response varied from clampdown to tolerance
- Religion and the Churches
- East German society was religious. There were 15 mil Protestants and 1 mil Catholics. The SED wanted to destroy religon
- The Church avoided the changed brought in by the SED
- Church land was not seized
- Ministers were not de-Nazified or removed
- Churches ran their own internal affairs
- In 1946 with the Law for the Democratisation of German Schools, religious education was removed from the curriculum
- In 1952-53, there was a state campaign against Junge Gemeinde, the Protestant Youth Groups. Members couldn't go to school or university as a consequence. The campaign ended in June 1953
- Jugendweihe
- The Youth Dedication Dervice was imposed on the youth in 1954. It involved a commitment to Marxism
- Churches had to make changes
- Peasants
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