social class
- Created by: gbolton01
- Created on: 08-05-19 14:41
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- social class
- upper class
- scott
- old boy network
- mackintosh and mooney
- small circles - social closure
- scott
- middle class
- boudieu
- cultural capital
- helps in education
- cultural capital
- king and raynor
- child centerness
- educational attainment and positive and negative sanctions
- child centerness
- wright
- contradictory class position
- goodwin
- yummy mummiess
- boudieu
- working class
- mac an ghail
- crisis of masculinity
- willis
- fathers - sons jobs + attitudes
- mac an ghail
- under class
- jordan
- same as everyone else situation they're in
- murray
- work shy, lazy, dependency culture
- jordan
- pakulski and waters
- now defined by consumption not occupation
- upper class
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