Social Learning Theory
- Created by: daisygbates
- Created on: 22-04-16 12:02
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- Social Learning Theory
- AO1
- Bandura (1963) - children learn primarily through observing role models
- If they see role model being rewarded for aggressive behaviour (or not punished) will replicate
- If child is praised for behaviour (or rewarded in some way) they will repeat it
- Also have to be confident in ability - if it doesn't work for them, or not confident, will use other means
- AO2
- Bandura et al (1961) KEY STUDY
- Bobo doll study
- Kids copied adult behaviour, especially if rewarded
- Phillips (1986)
- Homicide rates increased in the week after a major boxing match
- Ethics in testing
- Exposing kids to aggressive behaviour they may imitate affects them for life
- Need to protect participants from psychological or physiological harm
- Explains cultural differences
- Some cultures do not display/reward aggression, so aggression is not imitates
- Bandura et al (1961) KEY STUDY
- AO1
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