Social Action Theory/Interpretivism - Theory (and Methods) Unit 4
Taken from class notes and a revision booklet created by my teacher.
- Created by: Ray22
- Created on: 23-05-13 14:00
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- Social Action Theory - Interpretivism
- Combining structure and action
- Subcultural theories that by contrast are macro level that see society as objective
- Voluntaristic theories that see society as inter-subjective
- Giddens' Structuration Theory
- Duality of structure and agency - two sides of the same coin; neither can exist without the other
- Our actions, produce, reproduce and change structures; it makes our actions possible in the first place
- Repreducing structures through agency
- Rules: The norms, customs and the laws that govern action
- Resources: both economic resources and power over others
- R&R Can be either reproduced or changed through human action
- We also reproduce existing structures because we have a deep-seated need for ontological security
- Changing structures through agency
- 2. Our actions may have 'unintended' consequences
- 1. We reflexively monitor our actions and deliberately choose a new course of action
- Micro/Macro-approaches
- Combining structure and action
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