- Created by: Lisa
- Created on: 05-12-12 12:18
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- FORMAL SOCIAL CONTROL - official means of dealing with deviance- usually focused on prescibed rules. i.e. Law, Police
- INFORMAL SOCIAL CONTROL - unofficial means of deviance control - usually dealing with 'unwritten rules' i.e. ridicule.
- STATUS - a person's social standing and the amoun t of respect / prestige they gain/ given.
- ASCRIBED STATUS - are assigned on the basis of biological or familial characteristics. i.e. the queen
- ACHIEVED STATUS - is earned through, perfomance, attainment or qualification.
- REPRESSIVE APPARATUS - which gives us power through the use of force. (Althusser)
- COERCION - Power arising from munipulation, force or threat of force.
- AUTHORITY - consensual power - when people volunatarily submit to the will of others.
- CHARISMATIC - derived from the power of personality and persuasiveness (or charisma)
- TRADITIONAL - Usually ascribed and associated with traditional norms/ customs.
- RATIONAL - LEGAL - Largely achieved and associated with 'holding office' with a narrow remit.
- AUTHORITY - consensual power - when people volunatarily submit to the will of others.
- COERCION - Power arising from munipulation, force or threat of force.
- IDEOLOGICAL APPARATUS - this manipulates the way we think (brainwash)
- COERCION - Power arising from munipulation, force or threat of force.
- AUTHORITY - consensual power - when people volunatarily submit to the will of others.
- CHARISMATIC - derived from the power of personality and persuasiveness (or charisma)
- TRADITIONAL - Usually ascribed and associated with traditional norms/ customs.
- RATIONAL - LEGAL - Largely achieved and associated with 'holding office' with a narrow remit.
- AUTHORITY - consensual power - when people volunatarily submit to the will of others.
- COERCION - Power arising from munipulation, force or threat of force.
- REPRESSIVE APPARATUS - which gives us power through the use of force. (Althusser)
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