Social Development
- Created by: chloayboo15
- Created on: 25-03-15 20:24
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- Social Development
- Birth & Infancy ~ 0-2 years
- At 1 month they can follow something moving with their eyes
- At 2 months old, babies can smile at human faces and recognize their mothers face
- At 3 months babies respond when adults talk and also try to attract their attention by smiling and making noises
- Infants recognize themselves at around 18-24 months
- Infants understand that they are a boy or girl at around 2 or 3 years old and begin to learn their gender role, which is the behaviors deemed appropriate for males and females
- First proper social relationship forms with their main carer at 1 year old
- The baby becomes upset when parted from the main carer
- Uses carer as safe base to explore environment
- Childhood ~ 3-8 years
- Attachment to main carer is still important but child is less clingy and starts to make relationships with others
- Later Adulthood ~ 65+
- Retirement around 65 which increases free time
- Some older people lead very active lives once they retire and they make friends and get about more or more quality time with friends and family
- Health problems and impairment can create difficulties that mean they are very isolated and lonely
- Adolescence ~ 9-18 years
- Peers become increasingly important as a source of knowledge about norms, behavior and the world
- First romantic/ sexual relationships begin due to impact of hormones at puberty
- Less reliance on family as independence develops and transition into adult roles begins, which may cause some conflict with parents
- Around 16, a person's social network extends as they begin work, college or university
- At 18, a person has the right to vote in the UK and is considered an adult
- Smoke, gamble, drink
- Other Cultures
- Drive at 16 in America
- Drink at 21 in America
- In some Jewish cultures, people are considered an adult at 12 or 13
- In Yemen, girls are expected to be adult enough to marry at 9 years old
- Early Adulthood ~ 19-44 years
- Friendship networks continue to be important
- Early adulthood dominated by the formation of a stable, sexual partnership and finding employment or establishing a career
- Marriage and parenthood bring new social roles to fill
- Middle Adulthood ~ 45-64 years
- Previously established lifestyle is maintained
- Provide for children and support parents
- Pressure may be removed when kids leave home but then a feeling of loss of social purpose
- Birth & Infancy ~ 0-2 years
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