Social Learning Theory
- Created by: lucyhindle
- Created on: 07-02-15 12:11
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- Social Learning Theory
- Basics
- Models
- information about behaviour, consequences of behaviour
- family, peer group, the media
- Imitation
- copying whole units of behaviour
- depends on expectations and cognitive beliefs
- Aggression
- Banduras bobo doll - Aggression, imitated
- learnt from the environment
- Observational Learning
- Requires attention, memory
- learning from just being exposed to models, no need for reinforcement
- Models
- Limitations
- ignores introversion and extroversion
- highly artificial bobo doll experiment, doesn't show everyday lives
- doesn't account biology and genetics in aggression
- Assumptions
- behaviours which are rewarded will be imitated
- humans learn by observing the behaviour of others
- cognitive processes are key
- Strengths
- used scientific method to study learning
- less mechanistic view of behaviour
- Mediating cognitive factors
- 1- attention- more attention= more relay, less attention= less relay
- 2- retention processes or memory
- 3- motor reproduction processes, assessment of ability
- 4- motivational processes, or observed consequences
- Basics
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