4.3.2 - The Internet - Social, Moral and Ethical Internet Issues
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?- Created by: Annie
- Created on: 28-04-13 19:50
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- Social, Moral and Ethical Internet Issues
- Moral - Is it fair?
- Deliberately setting up websites containing incorrect information
- e.g. Wikipedia - people rely on that information so it is wrong to purposely post incorrect information
- Bullying
- Bullying others has become easier with the ability to become anonymous and it isn't face-to-face
- Inappropriate Websites
- Children can easily access ****, violence, racism etc.
- Use of email/social networks to give bad news
- Death of a family member, rejections or redundancy from jobs, break ups ec.
- Spreading Rumours
- Deliberately setting up websites containing incorrect information
- Ethical - Moral with Justification
- Plagiarism
- Using someone else's work to gain credit
- Sending Spam
- Adds a time cost to the receiver as they have to sort through it
- Organisations monitoring staff use of email/internet without permission
- Privacy is breached
- Some argue that the organisation has the right to do this
- Using someone else's internet connection without permission
- Considered the same as theft
- Using photo editing software to distort reality
- Giving false impressions
- Travel agents making homes look nicer
- Beauty products editing models
- Giving false impressions
- Plagiarism
- Accuracy of Information
- Is there a bias opinion in the information given?
- Has the information been checked for accuracy before going online?
- Is the information misleading or lacking sufficient details?
- Where is the source of information?
- Privacy
- Many people have been fired as a result of Facebook statuses
- It is difficult to remove information from the internet - especially if web crawlers have a hold of it
- Anyone can post personal information on the internet without persmission
- Effects upon Communities
- Use of blogs, forums and petitions can highlight issues within a community
- Housebound/elderly people may feel less isolation
- Lack of actual social interaction
- Employees don't have to be in an office
- Remote communities become more sustainable
- Local shops are struggling as a result of online shopping
- Ownership and Control
- No one owns the internet - it is simply ran by mutual consent of people and organisations which look after it
- No control - unless there are laws of the country that state it
- Access is available to everything from anywhere
- Skepticism is needed about the source of information especially in journalism
- For having ownership
- Greater control - can monitor illegal downloads etc.
- It is safer for children as restrictions can be made
- Against ownership
- Privacy concerns - the owners can access what people are doing without permission
- Internet costs could rise as a result
- The internet is perfectly fine as it is
- Censorship
- The internet is strong because it shows all views so people can be more informed
- China stopped the installation of filtering software on all computers
- Censorship based upon age is used in schools and available at homes
- Nondemocratic governments are more interested in restricting information from the internet
- Moral - Is it fair?
- e.g. Wikipedia - people rely on that information so it is wrong to purposely post incorrect information
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