
  • Created by: clararose
  • Created on: 05-10-15 18:17
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  • Socialisation
    • An individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values , behaviour and social skills approbate to there position. During this they learn the ways we are expected to act in life. We acquire different culture from family, peer groups, religion and workplace.
      • Media
        • predominately used for entertainment, communications on accessing information. Has a huge impact for creating popular culture, subcultures, consumer culture and globalisation.
          • CASE STUDY:  Mulvey (1975)
            • 'Male gaze' How films will eye up female characters. Encourages viewers to access their own body image and attractions from a male perspective.
      • Family
        • language, body control, emotional control, rues of public conduct, moral values. (Role models, imitation gender roles and positive +negative sanctions)
      • Peer Groups
        • Share socialisation of the same age, particularly influences that challenging family. (Peer pressure, bullying, higher arches and sense of bullying)
          • CASE STUDY: Sewell (2000)
            • Used the concept cultural comfort zones to describe how peer groups form around shared identities. We seek people who are perceived as 'like us'. Same origin or ethnicity seen to hang out with each other and same with social class. Pick friends you are similar and feel comfortable around.
      • Education
        • The formal Curriculum (subjects) and the hidden curriculum (ways of school life). Basic classroom manners, punctuality, school uniform, where not to go at break and lunch. From a functionalists point of view you are following what the government says so you have social order in society.
          • CASE STUDY: Bowles and Gintis
      • Religion
        • Don't value your sexuality or women. Provides authority figures who can act as role models. provides written moral codes that reinforce the value of society (ten commandments- if they don't follow they will betray there god) Many people in the uk not influenced by religion, less off impact on there life.
      • Workplace
        • Re socialisation people, teaches us new code of behaviour. Every time to change your job you are re socialisation (changing from restaurant to teacher). Nature of working 9-5 has changed and always influenced at some point.
          • Reconsecration- Training Programmes, Written and un-written rules, dress code, role modelling, peer pressure.
          • CASE STUDY: Waddington (1999)
            • Canteen Culture- Set of norms and values who work in a particular organisation will be socialised to accept certain languages, behaviours and attitudes become the norm.
    • Primary Socialisation
      • Takes place in early childhood usually takes place at home. It offers the basic norms and values of family and the culture
    • Secondary  Socialisation
      • This involves external agencies and modifies the primary socialisation, It teaches norms for specific situations and can be interpersonal (teacher and pupil) or impersonal (media to audience)
    • Agencies of Sociolisation
      • Workplace
      • Family
      • Peer group
      • Education
      • Mass Media
      • Religion
    • Ann Oakley
      • Major Finding is that dissatisfaction with housework predominates with 70% of women.
        • Family's gift to the women is a direct apprenticeship to the housework role. Males domination has designated as female all labours of emotional connectedness.  Women mother, daughter are transformed into mothers.
        • Canalisation- Channelling of children's toys and activities.
        • Manipulation- Encouragement of behaviour
        • Verbal Appellations- Different phases for sex
    • Process of Social Control
      • Way that behaviour is controlled and reinforced through the use of sanctions.
      • Agents of formal control
        • Police, the courts, military, government, CJS. pass and inforce laws.  Do it in an obvious way
        • Formal Control Sancations
          • Warning from police
          • Sentence from court
          • Exclusion from school
          • Dissimisal from work
      • Agents of Informal Control
        • Expressed through norms and customs. An unofficial capacity. Effective in small groups like friends, family, neighbourhood, work groups  and others.
        • Informal Control Sancations
          • Sacrcasm
          • Critism
          • Shame
          • Disapproval


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