
  • Created by: B.ethany
  • Created on: 13-10-18 16:50
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  • Decline in birth rate.
    • changes in women position
      • women right to vote
        • Easier access to divorce
      • increased educational oppurtunites
        • Increased educational opportunities.
      • Sarah harper 2012 believes  the education of women is the most important reason in the long term fall in birth and fertility rate.
        • Many are choosing to have children later or not at all in order to pursue a career
    • Decline in infant mortality rate
      • Improved sanitation, housing, medicine, nutrition and knowledge mean less infants are dying
      • In 1900, the infant mortality rate for the UK was 154.15% of babies died within their first year.
      • Harper argued that a fall in infant mortality rate leads to a fall in birth rates.
      • If infants die parents would have more children to replace them so if an infant survives they will have fewer children
    • Children have become an economic liability.
      • Laws not allowing child labour, instead they must be in school.
        • This means children are economically dependant on children
        • until the 19th century children where economic assets to their parents
      • Changing norms children cost more to raise
      • Child Centredness.
        • Childhood is now socially constructed
          • Parents now have fewer children and lavish more attention and resources on these few
        • Parents now have fewer children and lavish more attention and resources on these few
  • Girls now do better at school than boys.
    • Increased educational opportunities.


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