- Created by: ameliab2001
- Created on: 16-11-21 12:44
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- Bellah et al: civil religion
- Civil religion (Bellah)
- civil religion = belief system which attaches to sacred qualities
- American civil religion involves loyalty to the state and a belief in God to be a 'true American'
- expressed through rituals/symbols/beliefs - pledge to flag, national anthen, Lincoln memorial, a nation under God
- English examples: remembrance Sunday, the monarchy
- Beckford (2003)
- it is occaisonal that the UK is drawn together by rituals
- deep social division + religious diversity = civil religion is weak
- functional alternatives
- non-religious beliefs and practices with similar values e.g. social cohesion, shared values
- e.g. Nazi Germany, Soviet Union
- beliefs and rituals which unite societies
- non-religious beliefs and practices with similar values e.g. social cohesion, shared values
- evaluation:
- ignores civil religion as a source of conflict
- it is hard to promote unity and integration when there's religious pluralism
- ignores civil religion as a source of conflict
- Civil religion was created by Bellah to look at how nationalism has become a belief system like religion
- Civil religion (Bellah)
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