sociology can be value free
- Created by: Fxck_ambz
- Created on: 19-06-17 12:46
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- sociology, objectivity and subjectivity. the value freedom debate.
- why is it a debate?
- sociologists disagree about where sociology should be value free. value freedom is the idea that all bias are removed.
- positivists. can be objective! value laden!!
- sociology should be observable phenomena. quantitative research methods can be used to obtain data about society. e.g. achievement levels in education.
- Weber - value laden.
- values in the research process.
- positivists and Weber propose value neutrality in methods used. hard to maintain objectivity. so sociological research is subjective.
- value freedom- interpretivists -
- people are social actors and have subjective motivations.
- people make sense of the world through meanings.
- becker - impossible to carry out research that is uncontaminated by personal and political views. we can never avoid taking sides due to analyzing behavior from actor viewpoint
- people are social actors and have subjective motivations.
- values in theory : political alignment
- feminists committed to gender equality . they carry out critical research that aims to bring about social change.
- social constructionist and subjectivity
- lyotard -postmodern condition is characterised by "incredulity towards meta narratives" there are no universal truths.
- conclusions
- Gomm (2004) -sociology cannot avoid values as society among other things. gouldner (1962) " myth of a value free sociology" Kuhn (1970) paradigm. A feminist takes a feminist standpoint and use unstructured interviews
- why is it a debate?
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