Sociology- Parents and children
- Created by: Daisymac
- Created on: 13-03-19 14:54
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- Parents and children
- Childbearing
- Nearly half of all children are now born outside of marriage
- Women are having children later
- Women having fewer children
- More women remaining childless
- Due to decline in stigma and increase in cohabitation
- Women have more options then just motherhood eg career
- Lone parent families
- Now make up 22% of all families with children
- Over 90% are headed by mothers
- Until 1990, divorced mothers were biggest group of lone mothers but now its single women
- Child form single parent is twice as likely to be in poverty
- Due to increase in divorce and separation
- Decline in stigma attached to being lone parent
- Headed by mothers as
- Belief that women are by nature suited to a nurturing role
- Divorce courts usually give custody of children to mothers
- Women may be less willing to give up work to care for children
- Many lone parent families are headed by female as they are single my choice
- Renvoize 1985 found that professional women were able to support their child without a man
- Cashmore 1985 found that working class mothers more likely to choose to live on welfare benefits
- New right Murray 1984 sees the growth of lone parent families as a result of over generous welfare state
- Argues this has created a perverse incentive as it rewards irresponsible behavior and creates a dependency culture
- Resolved by abolishing welfare benefits
- People criticize this as they argue befits are far from generous as lone parents are mostly women, who earn less, fathers fail to pay maintenance
- Step families
- 10% Of all families
- 85% of step families, at least one child is from the woman's previous relationship wile 11% is from the mans
- Ferri and Smith 1998 found step families are very similar to first families in all major respects, but are more likely to be in poverty
- Allan and Crow 2001 argue that step families may face particular problems of divided loyalty
- McCarthy et al 2003 conclude that there is diversity among these families and we should talk of them in plural
- Due to divorce and separation
- Due to women are more likely to have children from previous marriage
- greater risk of poverty as often more children
- Childbearing
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