Sociology Review Article- 'Cults and 'Normal' Religions
A mindmap on the article from Sociology Review. Notes on what a cult is and why they are seen as bad.
- Created by: Charlotte Johnston
- Created on: 03-05-13 09:07
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- Sociology Review- 'Cults' and 'Normal' Religions
- The Term 'Cult'
- This term is used to describe a religious movement that is contraversial.
- Public concerns of cults are strong
- Some governments have passed laws to stop cults.
- This term covers a wide range of religious movements, including non-violent ones.
- This term is used to describe a religious movement that is contraversial.
- Characteristics of a Cult
- Small in size
- Cut off from mainstream society
- Inward-looking
- Dominated by a charasmatic leader
- Orientated towards making money
- Ruthless in their recruitment methods
- Manipulative to members
- Becase of these characteristsics, it appears that cults are far from 'normal religions'
- But research has found the boundaries are not that clear cut
- Some cults do not follow these characteristics,.
- In some 'normal religions', they do follow cult characteristics
- In some large Christian denominations, sexual abuse, racism and cruelty to children was found. This displays members being minipulated.
- In some 'normal religions', they do follow cult characteristics
- There is no evidence to show that cults are unique.
- Expliotation, abuse and manipulation can be found in virtually all religious organisations.
- Sociologists argue that this negative stereotype cults have is because of
- the historical processes of state information
- The spread of global communication
- The decline of mainstream religions
- The Term 'Cult'
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