Software Families and Types
- Created by: Harry Ward
- Created on: 14-12-12 10:47
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- Software
- Types
- General Purpose
- Can be used for many tasks
- Eg. Word processor
- Usually "off the shelf software
- Can be used for many tasks
- Special Purpose
- Does one thing
- Eg. Payroll
- Does one thing
- Bespoke
- Made by request for one purpose
- Eg. Air traffic control
- Expensive
- Must Hire Developers
- Made by request for one purpose
- General Purpose
- Definition: A program to be run on hardware
- Families
- Application Software
- Special Purpose
- General Purpose
- Bespoke
- Types
- General Purpose
- Can be used for many tasks
- Eg. Word processor
- Usually "off the shelf software
- Can be used for many tasks
- Special Purpose
- Does one thing
- Eg. Payroll
- Does one thing
- Bespoke
- Made by request for one purpose
- Eg. Air traffic control
- Expensive
- Must Hire Developers
- Made by request for one purpose
- General Purpose
- System Software
- Utility Program
- Performs specific tasks related to the system.
- Eg. File manager
- Performs specific tasks related to the system.
- Library Program
- A collection of commonly used routines. Eg. DLL files.
- Eg. Printing Library
- A collection of commonly used routines. Eg. DLL files.
- Programming language translator
- Operating System
- An interface between the user and hardware.
- Hides Complexity of system
- Provides a platform on which to run programs.
- Utility Program
- Application Software
- Types
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