Sol. of Spanish C
- Created by: Lauren Meisner
- Created on: 06-04-13 16:31
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- Soliloquy of a Spanish Cloister
- Layout
- Monolgou, heer is is tlaking to himself, we are the fly on the wall, irony- no peace he is constantly talking
- Disjuncture between title and poem, 'soliloquy suggests inner rumination, not grotesque humorous atmosphere
- Very different from big long column of get, still quite regular
- 'Gr-r-r- there go , my heart's abhorrence!'
- onimpatepic-present at the end shows level of hatred as keeps up throughout whole poem
- '-Swine's Snout?' syballence, shocking, animal, dirty, hated, emphasised
- 'Gr-r-r- you swine!' ends with repetition of things that have already been said, he has run out of words, frustrated
- Monolgou, heer is is tlaking to himself, we are the fly on the wall, irony- no peace he is constantly talking
- Rhythm
- Alternating rhyme quite regular, common in Browning poems
- Strong/weak/strong/weak /v/v/v, trochaic metre, tetrametre, 1st line 2nd lind and 4th slightly broken foot, last strong so broken foot not there, sense of urgent rant
- Alternating rhyme quite regular, common in Browning poems
- Imagery
- sexual, religious, purity, or illusions of purity
- 'Blue-black, lustrous, thick ilk horsehair's', long hair melding with water , saying Brother LAwrence is a leech but he is, hypocritical, links to MLD, Bishops
- 'Or, my scrofulous FRench novel', horrible pornographic novel, sexual temptation
- 'We;re so proud of! HY, Zy, Hine...' complete blasphemy, he seems dazed, crazed, he is turning his back on Christianity
- 'scrofulous means morally corrupt so he admits that?
- sexual, religious, purity, or illusions of purity
- Context
- A monk in aSpanish monastry, unspecified historical time. People were supposed to go to monasteries to learn to love God and each other
- Daniel Karlin 1993:74-5 said, 'using the technique of dram.mon. as as means of ironically revealing the speaker's warped passion and predujice
- A monk in aSpanish monastry, unspecified historical time. People were supposed to go to monasteries to learn to love God and each other
- Character
- He uses un-Monk list language, 'Water your damned flower-pots, do!' blasphemous -shcoking, links to Bishops., and shockingness of Apparent Failure
- Fiery, 'Needs its leaden vase illed brimming? Hell dry you up with its flames!' Childish, contrasting.
- Robert LAwrence is calm, monkish, 'Oh, that rose has prior claims-' we know he isn't most annoying an- links to MLD
- 'Saint, forsooth! While brown Dolores Squats outside the Convent bank'
- perverted links to Bishops. Dolores and Sanchicha are probably young peasant teens, he is in his 60s probably as he is a monk, worrying, although he may be praised for his wild imagination and spirit compared to 'boring' Brother LAwrence he is using his 'wild eye' for bad purposes
- could say he has an 'artist like vision', , he is witty?
- perverted links to Bishops. Dolores and Sanchicha are probably young peasant teens, he is in his 60s probably as he is a monk, worrying, although he may be praised for his wild imagination and spirit compared to 'boring' Brother LAwrence he is using his 'wild eye' for bad purposes
- 'Knife and fork he never lays'
- He is nit-picking, obsessed with the small things, outwardly look good, inwardly deceptive, menacing
- 'simply glance at it, you grovel', this so badly of Brother Lawrence or is trying to make him seem bad when he is so deluded that he can;t see that is what he was doing in stanza4 with Dolores, (this is stanza8)
- hypocritical like PL, MLD, Bishops.
- 'simply glance at it, you grovel', this so badly of Brother Lawrence or is trying to make him seem bad when he is so deluded that he can;t see that is what he was doing in stanza4 with Dolores, (this is stanza8)
- he is selfish menacing, hateful, other monks like Brother LAwrence, 'We're tp have a feast! so nice!
- 'All of us get each a slice' this greediness is linked to the temptation of the Devil, he wants more of the 'melons'
- 'hatred defeats its own object', -Stefan Hawlin said. petty, malice, jealous
- He is nit-picking, obsessed with the small things, outwardly look good, inwardly deceptive, menacing
- He tries to diminsh Brother LAwrence by his use of religion, using the Deuteronomy, similar to the way Duke in MLD, uses his 'nine-hundered years-old name' to try and assert power, he feels he is more powerful
- 'Can't I see his dead eye glow'
- his assumption is that men go around in lustful way, projecting this showing how he is real like this, is this quote a satire on him self, ironic
- '-And I too, at such trouble Keep them close-nipped on the sly!'
- childish, cares so much , goes to a lot of trouble to ruin his garden
- 'There's a great text in Galatians/Twenty-nine distinct damanations'
- rhyme, spitful, concerned about Lawrence being damned not thinkinking he might be damned by his behaviour as a monk, he is blinded by his hatred
- Bibliclalll reference, Deuteronomy 28:15-444, "-Cursed is every one that continuity not in all things which are written in the book of low to do them"
- Passage in Deuteronomy porceeds to list 29 torments, the speaker hopes to prove LAwrence a heteric
- links to LL and LARuins, using God to judge
- Layout
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