'Something's Coming' - Bernstein
- Created by: elliebaxter
- Created on: 29-01-17 16:13
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- 'Something's coming' by Bernstein
- Melody
- Almost entirely syllabic
- Short riffs
- Long notes
- Rhythm
- Lots of syncopation
- Lots of ostinato
- Cross rhythms
- 3/4 and 4/4
- Dynamics
- Verse - p
- Chorus - f
- Sudden changes
- Form
- Introduction Section A Section B Section B1 Section A1 Outro
- B1 and A1 = shortened versions
- Introduction Section A Section B Section B1 Section A1 Outro
- Instrumentation
- Solo tenor singer
- Large orchestra
- Electric and acoustic guitar
- Texture
- Homophonic
- Syncopated chords
- Harmony
- Tritone - causes tension
- Blues notes
- Bitonal
- Melody
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