A mindmap summarising the key features of Poulenc's sonata which features in the Edexcel As level syllabus. Feel free to comment/ask questions/suggest improvements :)
- Created by: Nora
- Created on: 20-02-13 11:04
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- Sonata for Horn, Trumpet, and Trombone: Movement I
- Tonality
- Modulates to remote keys
- Bar 86: chromatic scalic phrase
- Begins in G major
- Frequent chromatic notes
- Middle section in Eb major
- Frequent discords
- Bar 40: Bb
- Fundamentally tonal
- Rhythm and Metre
- Time signatures change frequently
- Semiquaver scale in free rhythm (bar 39)
- Rhythms sometimes broken up by rests
- Syncopation (bar 13-14)
- Three bars in quintuple time
- Often begins on an anacrusis
- Speeds change frequently
- Crotchets for the cadence
- Mainly quavers and semiquavers
- Structure
- Loose Ternary
- ABA and Coda
- Performing Forces
- Trumpet has virtuoso flourish (bar 39)
- Trumpet is main solo instrument
- Trombone and trumpet have an "oom-pah" accompaniment bars 40-45
- Trumpet has a wide range
- Trombone has awkward leaps
- Modern trumpet has valves so can play chromatic music
- Horn has very low notes in bar 74
- Harmony
- Outlined by broken chords
- Simple perfect cadences transformed by discord (bar 4)
- Pedal Bb on trumpet (bars 86-7)
- Harmonies quite bare
- Melody
- Conjunct music (bar 4)
- Leaps of two octaves
- Chromatic notes (bar 39)
- Occasional large leaps
- Repeated notes (bar 18)
- Simple balanced phrase structure
- Ornamental phrases (bar 12)
- Outlines broken chords
- Simple diatonic tunes
- Texture
- Monophony bars 22-25
- Simple melody dominated homophony at the beginning
- Trombone: bass line
- Trumpet: tune
- Horn: harmony
- Various three part textures
- Sometimes top two instruments join in two part texture
- Last bar: homorhythm, in octaves
- Tonality
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