Sound traveling through the ear
- Created by: Zee
- Created on: 29-09-13 14:09
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- Sound
- Pinna collects sound
- Sound travels through ear canal
- Eardrum vibrates
- Eardrum induces hammer to vibrate
- hammer hits anvil
- Anvil hits stirrup
- The stirrup makes the biggest movement causing the fluid in the cochlea to vibrate.
- The hair cells in the cochlea converts waves into electrical signals
- The auditory nerve passes the signals to the brain which recognizes them as different sounds.
- The hair cells in the cochlea converts waves into electrical signals
- The stirrup makes the biggest movement causing the fluid in the cochlea to vibrate.
- Anvil hits stirrup
- hammer hits anvil
- Eardrum induces hammer to vibrate
- Eardrum vibrates
- Sound travels through ear canal
- Pinna collects sound
- Oscilles
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