Spanish: Weather
- Created by: Barjun
- Created on: 17-05-17 19:35
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- Spanish Weather
- Hace...
- buen tiempo
- The weather is good
- mal tiempo
- The weather is bad
- calor
- It's hot
- frio
- It's cold
- viento
- It's windy
- fresco
- It's chilly
- buen tiempo
- With their own verbs
- llueve
- It's raining
- nieva
- It's snowing
- llueve
- Seasons
- Primavera
- Spring
- Otoño
- Autumn
- Invierno
- Winter
- Vierno
- Summer
- Primavera
- Hay...
- tormenta
- There are storms
- nieve
- There is snow
- chubascos
- There are showers
- niebla
- There is fog
- relámpago
- There is a storm
- trueno
- There is thunder
- temperaturas de
- There are temperatures of
- tormenta
- ésta...
- despejado
- It is clear/there are now clouds
- nublado
- It is cloudy
- despejado
- Hace...
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