Special educational needs
- Created by: chelsealewis
- Created on: 11-05-16 09:09
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- Special educational needs (part 2)
- Causes of ASD
- Biological: Rivito found a 96% concordance rate in MZ twins
- Cognitive: Lack of theory of mind, beliefs we re able to form about the intentions of others.
- Effects of ASD
- Difficulity interacting socially and making friends.
- Lack empathy so often considered rude and insensitive.
- May suffer from loneliness and low self esteem from lack of of friendships
- Obsessive traits can be misunderstood
- Intergration VS segration
- Integration: increase social interactions, broader opportunities and better understanding of social rules
- Curriculum may been too inflexible, staff less likely to have been trained on the disorder.
- Integration: increase social interactions, broader opportunities and better understanding of social rules
- Acceleration VS enrichment
- Accceleration
- moving ups years accelerating through the school process
- May become isolated but allows intellectual development
- Enrichment
- Type 1 activities- general exploratory, Type 2 group training and type 3 indivdual small group investigation
- Type 1: expose to hobbies, Type2: promote problem solving, Type1 and 2: top 20% and type3: an area on interest. top 3%
- Accceleration
- Causes of ASD
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