What is specialisation?
- Created by: zahra_malik_00
- Created on: 04-01-16 20:53
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- Specialisation
- Benefits to the firm
- Workers become quicker at producing goods (more productive)
- An increase in productivity causes the cost if production to decrease (lower average costs)
- Production levels are increased
- Benefits to the workers
- Specialised workers tend to get higher pay
- Workers' specific skills will be improved
- More motivation from job satisfaction
- Costs to the worker
- Boredom for the worker as they do the same job everyday
- Workers' skills may suffer as they are only doing one job
- Workers may eventually be replaced by machinery
- Costs to the firm
- Greater cost of training workers
- Quality may suffer if workers become bored by the lack of variety in their job
- More expensive workers
- Specialisation refers to workers only employed on a small aspect of their work.
- Benefits to the firm
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