sports psycholgy
- Created by: jamie logan
- Created on: 14-10-20 14:48
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- personality
- extroverts- poor at concentrating tasks, bored quiclky, prefer high energy team sports.
- Introverts- do not seek excitement, drawn to sports that require continuous activity and quiet concentration
- sports psychology
- Motivation
- intrinsic -someone who takes part in sport for fun
- extrinsic- someone who participates for external rewards including: trophies, medals, money and prizes
- Motivation
- trait theory- this theory suggests that people have core personality traits e.g being shy when meeting new people , this will carry on in any enviroment you are in.
- situational theory-this suggets that the enviroment has a strong impact on your traits e.g you could be a shy person at home but on a football field you could be quite agressive
- interactional theory- this is suggesting that your personality is a combintion of trait and situational. nature vs nurture approach
- situational theory-this suggets that the enviroment has a strong impact on your traits e.g you could be a shy person at home but on a football field you could be quite agressive
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