- Created by: ccraig1
- Created on: 23-04-14 21:25
View mindmap
- Staging
- Features
- EM's "merchants of dreams"
- Experiences are subjective
- Safe events vs wow factor events
- Spiritual events can be secular
- Cognitive: awareness, perception, memory
- Conative: listening, watching, participating
- Affective: values, preferences, feelings
- Bringing together all elements of a production for its presentation
- Design
- Technical and Creative = unification of design aspects
- Setting: use of space, decor, accessibility,
- Atmosphere: Sensory stimulations, brought by audience, stimulated by lighting, sound and props
- Program: content and running order
- Choice of venue
- Tools of staging
- Stage plan
- Contact and responsibility lists
- Production schedules
- Cue sheet for prompting
- Untitled
- Features
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