Stalins Intolerance of Diversity
- Created by: elliephant
- Created on: 13-05-14 22:21
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- Stalin's Intolerance
- Religion
- anti-religious museums
- churches destroyed
- 105,000 Orthodox priests executed
- Drove out nearly all Muslims
- BUT 57% still counted themselves religious in 1937
- Political
- Ryutin called Stalin 'evil genius'
- expelled in 1932
- 1 million 'Ryutinites' expelled
- Decree Against Factionalism
- Kirov preferred to Stalin
- assassinated in 1934
- only Stalin left in 1940
- 98 of his supporters executed
- assassinated in 1934
- 1936 Constitution increased power of central government
- BUT guaranteed freedom of speech
- Ryutin called Stalin 'evil genius'
- Economic
- Gosplan set targets for wages and prices
- Ensured State control of economy
- Ensured loyalty to State not employer
- BUT private peasant plots allowed in 1935
- provide most milk in 1937
- NEP ended in 1927
- Gosplan set targets for wages and prices
- Cultural
- 'Socialist Realism'
- Union of Soviet Writers
- no foreign films
- Union of Soviet Writers
- Komsomol indoctrinated children
- State control of media
- 'Socialist Realism'
- Religion
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