Star Wars: Rebel Blockade Runner - Edexcel GCSE Music
- Created by: ScoutMartin
- Created on: 11-02-19 11:48
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- Star Wars: Rebel Blockade
- Melody
- Rebel Blockade
- augmented chord
- harp
- tremolo
- quieter
- piccolo on melody line
- Imperial Theme
- bitonal
- triads in the melody line
- moving bass line
- octaves
- 3/4 time signature (march)
- Luke Skywalker
- 5ths and 4ths
- triplets
- brass heavy
- fanfare
- arch melody
- forte
- Rebel Blockade
- Harmony
- Bb major to Eb major in bar 30 (rebel blockade)
- Bars 43-60 based on the note C
- Quartal harmony
- Dissonance: Db against C, F against G
- Augmented chord in rebel blockade
- Perfect cadence
- triads
- Chromatic and Diatonic in different sections
- Structure
- main theme played twice
- codetta
- Texture
- ostinatos
- use of pedal notes
- homophonic
- Sonority
- pizzicato
- staccato
- tremolo
- glissando
- bowing of strings
- Tonality
- Bb major
- rising perfect 5ths creates'heroic'atmosphere
- dissonance
- Instrumentation
- Emphasis on brass: trumpets, trombones, horns, tubas
- Also: harps, drums, timpani, violins, flutes, piccolos, cellos
- Tremolos, glissandos, trills
- Layered over time
- Rhythm/Metre
- Time signature (4/4) changes to 3/4 in the march
- Triplets
- Drums beat evenly
- Anacrusis
- Syncopation
- Melody
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