Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Amy Woodhams
- Created on: 16-03-13 18:23
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- Starbucks
- Location
- Headquarters
- Seattle, Washington
- Because there are good resources, such as transport and elecricity
- Seattle, Washington
- Coffee Plantations
- LEDCs eg. Kenya
- Because: cheap land and labour
- LEDCs eg. Kenya
- Sold
- 16000 stores - MEDCs eg. Amaerca
- Because- people in MEDCs have a bigger desposable income so can by more coffee
- 16000 stores - MEDCs eg. Amaerca
- Headquarters
- Facts
- 1 million drinks are sold per week globally
- One of the worlds largest coffee companies
- use 10 million pounds of coffee beans per year
- Ethics
- £40 million of fair trade beans
- cups are part recycled
- 86% "ethically sorced" (starbucks standards)
- offer a fair trade option (not applicable to every coffee)
- new coffee farms
- Location
- New coffee Farms (positive, multiplier effect)
- more coffee for Starbucks
- more shops
- more jobs in MEDCs
- more shops
- more jobs in LEDCs
- more money
- more children in schools
- better educated generation
- better jobs in the future
- better QOL & SOL
- better Adult literacy rates
- better educated generation
- better jobs in the future
- better QOL & SOL
- better Adult literacy rates
- better Adult literacy rates
- better GDP & GNP
- more trade
- improved infastructure
- better QOL
- more money
- more children in schools
- less crime
- government spend less money on regeneration
- better QOL
- more work
- more children in schools
- improved infastructure
- more trade
- better QOL & SOL
- better jobs in the future
- better educated generation
- better Adult literacy rates
- better GDP & GNP
- more trade
- improved infastructure
- improved infastructure
- more trade
- better QOL & SOL
- better jobs in the future
- better educated generation
- less crime
- government spend less money on regeneration
- more work
- more children in schools
- more tax
- better services, eg schools and health care
- more money
- need equipment
- more work for other businesses
- money to expand
- money to expand
- more work for other businesses
- more coffee for Starbucks
- multiplier effects
- new coffee farms
- positive
- New coffee Farms (positive, multiplier effect)
- more coffee for Starbucks
- more shops
- more jobs in MEDCs
- more shops
- more jobs in LEDCs
- more tax
- better services, eg schools and health care
- more tax
- need equipment
- more work for other businesses
- money to expand
- money to expand
- more work for other businesses
- more coffee for Starbucks
- New coffee Farms (positive, multiplier effect)
- negative
- New coffee farms (negative multiplier effect)
- negative
- low pay
- for workers
- for land
- takes land away from farmers
- other products (eg. cotton) will suffer
- businesses will close
- left with little money
- poor QOL
- government taxes workers
- increase in crime
- left with little money
- businesses will close
- other products (eg. cotton) will suffer
- takes land away from farmers
- bad working conditions
- poor QOL
- health and safety issues
- exixting product is being deported
- no income
- left with little money
- government taxes workers
- increase in crime
- government takes home
- increases homelessness
- left with little money
- population migrate due to bad reputation
- increases homelessness
- brain drain