"Starman" -David Bowie Analysis 1972
- Created by: Bethan Chainey
- Created on: 12-05-16 12:17
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- "Starman" By David Bowie 1972
- Harmony And Melody
- The intro tarts on chord IV, a feeling of being far away from home. But reinforced by chorus that begins on the tonic
- Complex harmony in intro. Bass notes of E and F create a sense of movement and remain unresolved in the second bar
- Octave leap in chorus - space. Uses it on life on Mars too
- The guitar/keyboard bit between chorus and verse is stolen from The Supremes "you keep me hanging on"
- "lalala" outro is 'pure t-rex' apparently. Especially "hot love" and like that love, the outro is super long, lasts over a minute
- Ronsons solo is 'Melodic and Crafty" with strategic rests and vibrato with his fingers
- Instrumentation and Rhythm
- Reverb on vocals give a spacey feel, with the reverb on guitar and ringing open strings
- Super typical strumming with a lack of semiquavers at the end of each bar. Melody Begins after a quaver rest
- Texture
- Homophonic Intro
- Context
- It was legal to be gay in 1967, he was all androgynous and weird looking which was a BIG thing. When he put his arm around Ronson on TOTP everyone **** themselves
- Gary Numan watched it when he was 15.
- Harmony And Melody
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