- Created by: Amber Manley
- Created on: 17-01-14 13:31
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- STI's
- problems
- social stigma
- problems in later life e.g. cancer
- infertility
- congenital infections from mother to child
- properties
- infectious agents not spread in large numbers
- spread through contact
- sensitive to drying/heat/light
- can have multiple infections
- Discharge
- gonorrhoea
- chlymydia
- trichomoniasis
- Ulcers
- syphillis
- chancroid
- Gonhorroea
- enters mucous membranes of genital tract
- uncomplicated infection
- in men: urethra infection
- mild vaginitis in women
- complicated infection
- men
- prostatitis
- epididymus
- women
- salpingitus
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- men
- neiserria gonorrhoeae
- presents as scepticaemia or rash
- found in individuals with immune defiiciencies
- infected mothers can infect child
- particularly eyes
- gram negative diplococci
- penicillin
- treatment
- penicillin resistance higher now
- doxycycline, treats chlamydia too
- ceftriaxone
- cefixime
- chlamydia
- complex organisms
- obligate intracellular parasite
- growth cycles
- elementary bodies
- stable, extracellular
- reticulate particles
- intracellular, metabolically active
- elementary bodies
- women
- infertility
- urethritis
- increased number of leucytes
- men
- non gonnococcal urethritis
- post gonococcal urethritis
- majority is asymptomatic
- chlamydia trachomatis
- syphilis
- treponema pallidum
- painless ulcers
- systemic illness,low grade fever
- tertiary syphilis has neurological/cardiovascular signs
- obligate human pathogen
- site of primary infection is chancre
- contains spirochaetes
- Chancroid
- haemophilus ducreyi
- gram negative coccocacillus
- problems
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