Reducing inequalities in EU
- Created by: daisyking99
- Created on: 31-05-15 13:56
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- Strategies to reduce inequalities in the EU
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
- The main purpose is to invest in regional development. Projects are usually local based and funds are used to train people with new skills and help set up new businesses
- The EIB's money comes from the member countries that own it, contributions vary according to size and wealth of the country
- Structural funds
- Structural funds provide money for research and development, improving development opportunities, reducing discrimination and improving transport links.
- The aim of the fund is to get all members of the EU to a similar level of development (reducing inequalities within Europe)
- Structural funds support poorer regions of Europe and improve infrastructure as this enables economy to develop more efficiently.
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Attempts to develop Bulgaria
- The Special Accession Programme For Agriculture and Rural Development
- SAPARD gives money to Bulgaria and two other countries to invest in agriculture
- Attempts to develop Bulgaria
- The Special Accession Programme For Agriculture and Rural Development
- SAPARD gives money to Bulgaria and two other countries to invest in agriculture
- SAPARD gives money to Bulgaria and two other countries to invest in agriculture
- Funds earmarked for Bulgaria have been partially frozen until the government shows it's making progress in fighting competition
- The Special Accession Programme For Agriculture and Rural Development
- Attempts to develop Bulgaria
- SAPARD gives money to Bulgaria and two other countries to invest in agriculture
- Funds earmarked for Bulgaria have been partially frozen until the government shows it's making progress in fighting competition
- The Special Accession Programme For Agriculture and Rural Development
- The URBAN community project
- Money is given to certain EU cities to create jobs, reduce crime and increase the area of green space e.g.parks
- Social and economic urban regeneration includes improving living conditions,creating new jobs in services that benefit the whole population, integrating less favoured groups of people into education and training so they can find employment, developing environmentally friendly transport systems, making greater use of renewable energy and using technology to improve skills
- The Common Agricultural Policy CAP
- Farmers are subsidised to grow certain products, when world food prices are low, the EU buys produce and guarantees farmers a good price
- The CAP also puts a high import tax on foreign produce so people in the EU are more likely to buy food produced in the EU. This improves quality of life for the farmers.
- Critics say that only 5% of EU citizens work in agriculture, which generates only 1.65 of GDP, so the CAP costs too much
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