- Created by: MissVampire
- Created on: 18-04-17 14:34
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- Streetcar Named Desire Scene Seven
- 'STANLEY: But now the cat's out the bag. I found out some things! STELLA: What---things?' The metaphor and illocutionary meaning is that Stanley knows the truth, there is no denying what has been said is false. The exclamative, 'I found out some things!" relates towards Stanley's enthusiasm but as the audience we can quite clearly see this will cause conflict. Stella's response is preferred response and the pause as indicated by the dash links towards mode, this play is spoken therefore can be seen and hard of what is being portrayed. This in the play is a point of rising action, it is being hinted at, that something major is about to be discovered.
- 'He thought she had never been more than kissed by a fellow! But your Sister Blanche is no lilly! Ha-Ha! Some lilly she is.' The declarative, 'He thought she had never(...)' confirms as what we already as the audience, the noun, 'fellow' example of high frequency lexis relates to working class dialect. The noun phrase, 'Sister Blanche' patronises Blanche just the common noun, 'lilly' both has connotations of purity and innocence something Stanley draws out on that she does not.
- 'singing. It's a Barnum and Bailey world. Just as phony as it could be--But it wouldn't be makebelieve if you believed in me.' The vocalics from the verb, 'singing' and the song Blanche goes into, is irony and cleverly done to contradict what Stanley is telling Stella. The declarative, 'But it wouldn't be make-believe(...)' implies how a lie can become part of reality if another identifies it too as real. Again, it's highlighting how Blanche is trying to slide away from reality. As innocent as it sounds, it relates to her completely.
- 'Now wait till I finish.' Typical Stanley is shown here by the imperative. His character in context perhaps relates towards Williams' own father who was controlling and the breadwinner of the house. As this is the case for Stanley, he feels is allowed of this.
- 'I don't want to hear no more. She's not going back to teach school! In fact I am willing to bet you that she never had no idea of returning to Laurel!' This is an example of dispreferred response as Stella clearly, the simple sentence, 'I don't want to hear no more' asking for Stanley to stop. Instead he rudely continues to do so.
- 'Stanley looks a little uncomfortable. He lights a cigarette from the one he has just finished.' The stage directions here from the adjective, 'uncomfortable' illiterates how he knows something Stella doesn't. We also see this as the audience from the haptics, 'lights a cigarette.' Perhaps showing brief guilt.
- 'Stanley Kowaski, did you---did you repeat what that--?' The false start here confirms how Stella is vexed and by the proper noun, 'Stanley Kowaski' using his surname, example of formal register indicates how she is frustrated with Stanley. If this is show her power, it is only brief as like the majority of female characters within Streetcar, they are dominated by men.
- 'Maybe he was, but he's now going to jump in a tank with a school of sharks--now! He rises.' The emphasis of 'was' is use of vocalics, demonstrating that Mitch has confidently spoke of marrying Blanche but that is now in the past. The metaphor, 'jump in a tank with a school of sharks' also has a sibilance but the illocutionary meaning is Mitch isn't going to risk his life or walk in blind now knowing Blanche isn't who she has made out to be. As the audience we quite clearly see Stanley cares for friend perhaps as suggested by the topic shifter, '-----Now!" or as usual, it could be Stanley's selfish need to get rid of Blanche.
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