Psychology stress mindmap
- Created by: mmcbride
- Created on: 24-03-15 13:03
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- Stress
- Bodys response to stress - physically
- Perceives threat from the environment - 'fight or flight' response
- Important to out ancestors to allow them to hunt/stay alive
- May not be universally adaptive because stressors have changed
- Sympatho -meduallary pathway + pituitary adrenal system
- Stress and illness + immune system
- Kielcolt-Glaser
- Acute stress: took blood samples once a month, questionnaire
- Measured the affect on immune system by measuring NK cell activity
- Stress + illness is not a simple relationship, affected by many different factors
- Low NK cell activity means low immune system
- Individual differences: age and gender
- Measured the affect on immune system by measuring NK cell activity
- Acute stress: took blood samples once a month, questionnaire
- Marucha
- Looked at students during exam period/ summer holidays
- Punch biopsy (mouth) 40% longer for mouths to heal for student. Stress affects immune system
- Looked at students during exam period/ summer holidays
- Kielcolt-Glaser
- Life changes
- Holmes and Rahe
- Developed the SRRS (Social readjustment rating scale)
- Based on 43 life events from 5000 patient records
- If a person scored a low/high number of LCU (life change units) - low/ high stress
- 400 participants scored on the readjustment needed - Marriage being 50
- Rahe et al tested the SRRS
- 2700 men, wrote down all life events in past 6 months before a tour of duty
- Evaluation: the SRRS ignores individual differences
- Type and severity of illness recorded during tour
- Evaluation: it is minor daily hassles rather than life changes which have a bigger impact (Delongis et al)
- Found Positive correlation between LCU scores and illness score
- Evaluation: most of the research shows a correlation (Brown)
- 2700 men, wrote down all life events in past 6 months before a tour of duty
- Micheal + Ben Zur
- 130 men + women, recently divorced or widowed
- Looked at levels of satisfaction
- Holmes and Rahe
- Daily hassles
- Boueteyre
- Investigated relationship between daily hassles and mental health
- Transition to uni, found 41% of students suffered depressive symptoms
- Investigated relationship between daily hassles and mental health
- Boueteyre + Gervais
- Ruffin also showed that daily hassles provide more a significant source of stress than major life events
- The accumalation of daily stressors creates persistent irritations (Lazaus)
- Ruffin also showed that daily hassles provide more a significant source of stress than major life events
- Boueteyre
- Workplace stress
- Job strain model
- High workload: staying late to complete work, making decisions and running the company
- Low job control: tighter deadlines, pay dependenton how others perform, more rigid working hours
- Marmot et al
- Suggested civil servant, higher grade employees = high workload visa versa
- 7372 civil servants, questionnaire,checked for signs of cardio -vascular disease
- Evaluation, Schulz et al: people with work underlay reported low job satisfaction and high levels of stress related illness
- Found no link between workload and stress related illness
- 5 years later, low levels of job control more likely to have cardio -vascular disease
- 7372 civil servants, questionnaire,checked for signs of cardio -vascular disease
- Suggested civil servant, higher grade employees = high workload visa versa
- Johansson et al
- Sawyers in a swedish sawmill
- considered a stressful job: sense of responsibility etc.
- Evaluation, Schaubroek et al, individual differences
- considered a stressful job: sense of responsibility etc.
- Found the high risk group had high illness rates + high levels of adrenaline in urine, compared to low risk group
- Sawyers in a swedish sawmill
- Job strain model
- Personality and stress - type A personality
- Ragland + Brand
- Follow up study 22 years late, found 214 died from CHD
- Found little evidence of relationship between type A behaviour and morality
- Evaluation: Myrtek, metanalysis on 35 studies
- Found an association between CHD and the hostile componenet of type A personality
- Evaluation: Myrtek, metanalysis on 35 studies
- Friedman and Rosenman
- Investigated whether CHD is associated with type a behaviour
- Assessed by interview, conducted in provocative manner and interviewer might speak slowly
- Found after 8 and half years, twice as many type A men died from CV problems
- 12% had heart attacks, whereas 6% of type B did
- 3000 men aged 39 to 59, living in California
- Investigated whether CHD is associated with type a behaviour
- Ragland + Brand
- Personality and stress - Hardy
- Kobasa
- A hardy personality type encouragees resiliance
- 800 American business executive using SRRS model
- Roughly 150 participants classified as high stress
- Found the individuals in the high stress/low illness group scored high on all 3 characteristicvisa versa
- Roughly 150 participants classified as high stress
- 800 American business executive using SRRS model
- A hardy personality type encouragees resiliance
- Lifton et al
- Tested students at 5 US units.
- characteristic that provide defences against negative effects of stress
- Kobasa
- Psychological methods of stress management
- Stress Innoculation Therapy - Michenbaum
- 1. Concept-ualisation
- 2. Skills acquisation
- 3. Application
- Michenbaum compared SIT with systematic de sensitation , snake phobias
- SIT was better and can innoculate against future stressors
- Requires a lot of time, effort, motivation and money
- Stress Innoculation Therapy - Michenbaum
- Biological methods of stress management
- 2 types - Benzo diazephines + Betablockers
- Bodys response to stress - physically
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