stress unit 1
- Created by: rhiannon
- Created on: 07-02-13 12:46
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- Stress
- What is Stress?
- Psychological - perceived inability to cope with the demands of a situation.
- Physiological- the physical response to a stressor.
- The body's reactions to Stress.
- Pupils dilate to allow more light in.
- Airways increase to allow larger intakes of breath.
- Increase in heart rate allows for greater blood flow to muscles.
- Sweat glands stimulated to produce more sweat.
- Glycogen stored in the liver is converted to glucose for energy.
- Adrenal medulla stimulated to release adrenaline
- Ways stress is measured.
- Holmes & Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale. A chart with various life events on that have various levels of LCU (life changing units) associated with them. H&R believed that the level of life changing events in a person's life increased their chances of becoming ill.
- Delongi's' Daily Hassles and uplifts Scale. Delongis asked participants to rate daily items as uplifts and hassles on a scale of 0(not applicable) to 3(greatly). The participants did the questionnaire once a month for 12 months for analysis The more hassles the more prone to illness you were.
- Case study
- Friedman and Rosenman (1974) used structured interviews with 3200 California men aged 39-59yrs to categorize them as either Type A (Rushy type), Type X and Type B(relaxed). They were then followed up 8 and half years later. At the end of the study, 257 men developed coronary heart disease and 70% of these men were in the Type A group.
- ADVANTAGE - A large sample was used so more reliable. DISADVANTAGE - Only Californian men used so is not general to women and other regions.
- What is Stress?
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