Stress A2 OCR
- Created by: Sama
- Created on: 23-05-14 13:02
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- Stress
- Work
- Johansson et al- to measure the psychological and physiological stress response in two categories of empolyees
- Hassles
- Kanner et al- to see if daily hassles and uplift's scales are more accurate in predicting stress than the SRRS (life events scale)
- Holmes and Rahe- looked at how stress is caused by major life events. they developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure the amount of stress.
- Lack of Control
- Geer and Meisel- To see if perceivedor actual control can reduce stress reactions to aversive/ threatening stimuli
- Work
- Physiological
- Geer and Meisel- To see if perceivedor actual control can reduce stress reactions to aversive/ threatening stimuli
- Combined approach
- Johansson et al- to measure the psychological and physiological stress response in two categories of empolyees
- Self Report
- Holmes and Rahe- looked at how stress is caused by major life events. they developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure the amount of stress.
- Physiological
- Cognitive
- Clark et al- To test the effectiveness of a cognitive and behavioural treatment program for panic disorder
- Behavioural
- Budzynski- to see whether biofeedback is an effective method of reducing tension headaches
- Social Support
- Waxler-Morrison et al- To look at how a women's response to breast cancer is influenced by her social relationships
- Cognitive
- Self Report
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