Summits (end of cold war)
- Created by: h8revising
- Created on: 16-03-21 11:16
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- Summits during the end of the Cold War
- Geneva 1985
- Both USA and USSR wanted to talk peace
- Issued a joint statement - 'a nuclear war must never be fought'
- Key discussion points
- Reduce nuclear weapons by 50%
- Banning chemical weapons
- Gorbachev hoped to persuade Reagan to drop plans for SDI
- No concrete outcomes
- Both USA and USSR wanted to talk peace
- Reykjavik 1986 (Oct)
- Discussions to limit continental weapons and reduce the range of nuclear weapons (to eliminate them within 10 years
- Reagan suggested getting rid of all ballistic nuclear missiles
- Gorbachev refused if SDI was not dropped
- No concrete outcomes
- Washington 1987 (Dec)
- Gorbachev decide to withdraw troops from Afghanistan
- Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed (INF)
- Elimination of all nuclear missiles with a range of 500-5500km
- Stockpiles started to be reduced
- Moscow 1988 (May-June)
- START was going to be discussed but wasn't
- Cultural and human rights agreements made
- SDI still not dropped (conversations lengthy and difficult)
- Geneva 1985
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