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  • Superpower Criteria
    • Size of the Country
      • The country is able to have more agricultural land benefitting from food growth and energy crop profits.
      • There is more land available to build and expand its population.
      • The larger the country, the more shared boundaries it may have creating a greater sphere of influence on surrounding countries. E.g. Russia - neighbouring 14 countries
    • Resources
      • By having access to many resources it gives a country more opportunity to develop as a result of the profits being made
      • A country has a higher geopolitical power as other countries depend on them for their energy supplies.
        • Countries that make up the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) are becoming more important as fossil fuels are running out turning them in to Energy Superpowers being able to make huge profits out of other countries dependencies.
    • Economic Strength
      • Economic strength is often measured by TNC headquarters that exist in that country; they dominate world trade.
      • USA has the biggest economy of $15 trillion but China is set to overtake them by 2035.
      • The U$ is also the international currency for trade, illustrating the nations global economic influences.
    • Military Strength
      • This is a form of 'hard power'
      • If a country has a strong military it has a higher level of protection in war and can threaten other countries just by the sheer scale of its military.
        • China has 2 millions soldiers in its military, the largest in the world.
      • The USA has the highest military expenditure of $711 billion a year accounting for 48% of global military spending.
        • It has much more developed technology with military presence on every continent except Antarctica.
    • Population of the Country
      • The larger a the population of a country the more opportunity it has to develop quickly and cheaply as well as sustaining its economic growth.
      • Chindia has a total of 2.5 billion people making up 1/3 of the worlds population lives in two countries.
      • A large population is not vital e.g. Singapore
    • Innovation and New Technologies
      • By having a higher number of patents (Japan, 514000) it helps the country to produce a profit, and benefits it by improving it and developing it into a Superpower
      • A higher number of patents and new technologies helps to increases the countries cultural dominance.
    • Cultural Dominance
      • This is a soft power and promotes the countries way of life and beliefs through media, language, music, films and global brands.
      • The USA is the biggest cultural dominator at the moment with McDonald's restaurant in 118 different countries and promoting the American way of life through the film industry of Hollywood.


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