Superpowers and TNCs
- Created by: eviedeehan
- Created on: 15-03-24 16:44
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- Superpowers and TNCs
- TNCs have had material influence on globalisation
- in the colonial era, the East India Company ran much of India's global trade, this was a British company
- TNCs have benefitted from global shift and the move of manufacturing to Asia
- cultural globalisation e.g McD in 119 countries, spreading American cultural idea of fast-food
- glocalisation to meet local demands but still westernised
- multimedia
- youtube, instagram and twitter have led to the global transmission of culture
- Disney, Netflix, Amazon, Spotify etc
- patents
- company has exclusive ownership of an idea - the own the intellectual property for a period of time (IP)
- people who use patented products have to pay royalties
- outsourcing
- apple outsourced production of the IPhone to Foxconn
- TNC put money into research and development
- then charge other companies and govs to use this technology through royalties
- 2018 - Top 3 most valuable brands were American - secures its superpower status
- however fewer American TNCs are in the top 10 now
- TNCs have had material influence on globalisation
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