Supreme Court
- Created by: DaisyR13
- Created on: 12-06-14 16:42
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- Supreme Court
- Aims of the FF
- Wanted to ensure that neither the Executive nor the Legislature became too power
- They devised a series of separated powers, with clearly refined responsibilities for each branch, and checks and balances.
- Gave very little thought or debating time to the judiciary
- Constitution
- National judiciary should be supreme and therefore the final court of appeal
- Responsible for hearing certain types of cases known as original jurisdiction cases
- Judges were appointed by the President and approved by the Senate
- They would serve for life or until retirement
- Their income could not be reduced
- Only be removed if their personal conduct was inappropriate for a judge
- Congress had the right to set up a lower Federal Court
- There was no reference to judicial review
- Organisation
- In some cases the jurisdiction of Federal and state courts overlap where a crime is both a state and Federal crime
- Murder is a crime against state law but there is no Federal crime of murder
- Aims of the FF
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