Supreme Court examples
- Created by: DaisyR13
- Created on: 12-06-14 15:46
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- Supreme Court examples
- Vote in blocs according to political ideology
- Gonzales V Carhart
- Don't always vote in blocs according to their political ideology
- NFIB V Sebe
- Presidents try to alter the ideology of the court
- Reagan - Bork, too right wing, conservative
- Presidents don't always try to alter the ideology of the court
- Obama - Sotomayor replaced Souter, both liberals
- Activist
- Shelby V Holder, Voting Rights Act checking up on states too much
- Obamacare
- Restrained
- District of Columbia V Heller
- No limits on guns
- Conservative
- Restrictions on abortions
- Not Conservative
- Obamacare
- Like for like appointments
- Scalia replaced Renquist both extremely right wing
- Appointments can have a major impact on the ideology of the court
- Republican Clarence Thomas replaced Democrat Thurgood Marshall
- Things President considers when nominating
- Ideological leaning
- Clinton chose liberal Ginsberg
- Judicial experience
- Scalia was a judge
- Composition of the Senate
- Anthony Kennedy a moderate Republican chosen by Reagan because Senate controlled by Democrats
- Diversity and representation
- Sonia Sotomayor Latina
- Ideological leaning
- Judges can change ideology once on the court
- Earl Warren was nominated by Eisenhower and was thought to be extremely conservative but turned increasingly liberal
- "biggest damn-fool mistake I ever made"
- Earl Warren was nominated by Eisenhower and was thought to be extremely conservative but turned increasingly liberal
- Follows stare decisis
- Gun laws
- Doesn't always follow stare decisis
- Abortion Carhart V Gonzales differed from Carhart V Stenberg
- Vote in blocs according to political ideology
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