Sustainability in the workplace
- Created by: Ellie R
- Created on: 01-06-13 15:48
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- Sustainability in the workplace
- The use of video conferencing reduces a company's carbon footprint.
- Hotel companies have a policy of only washing towels if the clients ask them to, therefore reducing water usage and soap powder.
- Schools often have separate waste bins for paper and card in their classrooms.
- Pupils are also encouraged by signs to switch off lights.
- Most schools also have their computers controlled centrally so that a piece of software switches all the computers on and off in the school at set times.
- Large companies provide their employees with a variety of different bins to deal with waste products,
- There are not only bins for waste paper but also for other types of waste.
- Other ways to introduce sustainability in the workplace include notices to switch off lights and push taps in toilets to conserve water.
- The Internet (email) is being used more to send information and documents. This means that less paper is being used.
- Many companies aim to become paperless in the future.
- Tourist destinations provide a variety of ways to recycle waste.
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