Oxytocin Trust Study
- Created by: Lotto65
- Created on: 13-04-17 14:33
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- Swedish and British scientists, 2008 Oxytocin
- Aim
- To investigate the role of oxytocin on trust
- Procedure
- Four images of different faces
- Small, uncomfortable electric shock for two of the faces
- Oxytocin spray
- Shown images again
- Placebo spray
- Shown images again
- fMRI scan
- Four images of different faces
- Findings
- fMRI scan
- Those that developed feelings of anxiety over faces had higher levels of activity in amydale and 'fusiform face area'
- Activity levels dropped with oxytocin spray
- Activity levels stayed the same when given placebo
- Those that developed feelings of anxiety over faces had higher levels of activity in amydale and 'fusiform face area'
- When showed the faces again
- Oxytocin group no longer found faces disagreeable
- Placebo group still found faces disagreeable
- fMRI scan
- Conclusion
- Oxytocin can reduce anxiety and increase trust towards certain people, previously deemed to be unpleasant
- Increases chances of social contact for people with a certain psychiatric disorder
- Aim
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