Sylva et al (2004)
- Created by: Jennypix
- Created on: 26-11-15 15:08
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- Sylva et al (2004) Positive Effects
- Aim
- Test effect of pre-school on children's development.
- Studied effect of social, emotional and cognitive development.
- Test effect of pre-school on children's development.
- Procedure
- Longitudinal study, over 3,000 children.
- Children between ages 3-7.
- Compared pre-school group to home care control group.
- Created development profiles.
- Used SATs, reports from staff, parents and school teachers.
- Pre-school provision: homecare, nurseries, playgroups and pre-school classes.
- Measured parental occupation, qualifications, social background and birth weight.
- Results
- Assessments showed pre-schoolers benefitted from care socially and intellectually.
- Especially if started before 3.
- High quality provision and qualified staff lead to better development.
- Positive effects still evident end of Key Stage 1.
- Assessments showed pre-schoolers benefitted from care socially and intellectually.
- Conclusion
- Quality of provision led to short term advantages in social development.
- Longer term advantages in cognitive development.
- Quality of provision led to short term advantages in social development.
- Aim
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