Atopic Dermatitis
- Created by: selvina
- Created on: 28-03-15 09:58
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- Diagnosis
- Hanifin-Rajka
- Major Criteria
- Pruritus
- History of atopik in patient or his family
- Dermatitis on face or extensor in children
- Dermatitis on flexor in adults
- Chronic and recurrent
- Minor Criteria
- Xerosis
- Skin infection
- Nonspecific dermatitis in hand or foot
- ictiosis/hiperniliar palmaris/keratosis pilaris
- Pitiriasis alba
- Dermatitis on papila mamae
- White dermographism and delayed bleach response
- Keilitis
- kulit bersisik
- anterior subcapsular cataract
- Denie-Morgan fold
- Recurrent conjunctivitis
- Keratokonus
- Kornea lancip
- Lebih sensitif terhadap cahaya
- dark orbita
- pale or eritamatous face
- Itch when sweating
- intolerant to wool or pelarut lemak
- Perifolicular accentuation
- food allergic
- positive allergic skin test
- High IgE
- Start in young age
- 3 majors + 3 minors
- Major Criteria
- Examination
- infants
- eritematous, papilovasikel, itch
- forehead, cheeks
- 2-10 yo children
- dry, papuls, lichenification, scuama
- lipat siku, lipat lutut, pergelangan tangan, kelopakmata, leher
- adults
- eritematous plak, papul
- infants
- Hanifin-Rajka
- Therapy
- Non medication
- use non irritative soap
- wash new clothes before use them
- don't leave detergent residue on clothes
- take a shower right after swimming
- don't stress
- don't use too thick or tight or dirty clothes
- Medication
- Topical
- Skin hydration
- Corticosteroid
- Immunomodulator
- Ter
- Antihistamine
- Systemic
- Corticosteroid
- Antihistamine
- Antibiotic
- Interferon
- Cyclosporin
- Topical
- Non medication
- Diagnosis
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