System Security

  • Created by: Elliot
  • Created on: 23-02-18 14:15
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  • System Security
    • Social Engineering
      • Phishing - this is when a piece of software, or email pretends to be something else, such as an email pretending to be from your bank - asking for your password.
      • Blagging - This is when a person contacts you via telephone or in person - pretending to be an official, such as from the government - and asks you for personal details.
      • Shouldering - This is a physical attempt to steal data, it often happens in public spaces. It's when a person stands behind you, and watches you type in your password - or other personal information.
      • How to Prevent Social Engineering
        • Securing your System - this can be done by simply locking your system when you are leaving it unattended, or not leaving it unattended.
        • Social Engineering can also be prevented by thoroughly checking emails and letters for spelling errors, as that often means that the email is fake.
    • Malware
      • Virus - A virus is a piece of software that is installed on to a computer, it then corrupts your data - and may steal valuable personal information.
      • Trojan - A Trojan is something that is installed on to your computer pretending to be something else, such as an internet browser - it then does the same as a virus, and corrupts data.
      • Adware - adware is a type of malware that spams a computer with pop-up adds, this creates a lot of revenue for the hacker as they get paid for the adverts they maliciously install on computers.
      • How to Prevent Malware
        • Strong Passowrds - having strong passwords means that they have lots of capital letters scattered around, along with special characters and numbers - example 'Pa$$wO0Rd'
        • Anti-Malware software, anti-malware software consists of a file that lists all current viruses, it gets updated regularly - and scans the system for viruses matching the ones stored in the text file, if it finds one it will tell the user and then remove it.




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