TB9 D&L Summary; Social and Emotional Development
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 24-03-16 13:24
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- TB9 D&L; Social and Emotional Development
- Lecture 1; Infancy
- Development of the Self
- 5 types of self knowledge
- Ecological self
- Interpersonal self
- Extended self
- Private self
- Conceptual self
- Emphasis on...
- Social interaction
- Reciprocation
- Perceptual abilities
- Double touch, self v.s external stimulation
- Environment (in general)
- Social interaction
- Self-recognition
- Present v.s extended self
- Contributors to self-recognition
- Cognitive development
- Social experience
- The rouge test
- Self-concious emotions
- Body-self awareness
- Scale errors
- 5 types of self knowledge
- Play
- Types of play
- Locomotor play
- Social Play
- Object play
- Language play
- Pretend play
- Social referencing
- Peer play
- The Peer Play Scale
- Types of play
- Development of the Self
- Lecture 2; Early Childhood
- Play
- Pretend play and socio-emotional development
- Solitary play and TOM
- Deprivation v.s enhancement
- Sibling play
- Youngblade & Dunn (1995)
- Peer play and mental state talk
- Violent fantasy
- Social functioning
- Morality
- Social influences on interest in violence
- Imaginary companions
- Gender development
- Kohlbergs stages
- 1) Constancy
- 2) Stability
- 3) Identity
- Gender-schema theory
- Gender and play
- Peer-play
- Kohlbergs stages
- Play
- Lecture 3; Middle Childhood
- Self development
- The categorical self
- Realistic appraisal
- Social comparison
- Self-esteem
- Components of...
- Sources
- Heredity
- Approval and support from others
- Environment (eg school)
- Relational self-worth
- Gender development
- Peer relationships
- Friendship
- Status within peer group
- Social withdrawal
- Under-standing emotions
- (true) Causes of...
- Emotional conflicts
- Concealing emotions
- The categorical self
- Self development
- Lecture 4; Adolescence
- Adolescence as a modern construct
- Physical changes
- Psychological changes
- The personal fable and egocentrism
- Self esteem
- Identity formation
- 1) Erikson's theory; Psychosocial development
- Moratorium
- 2) Marcia's theory; Crisis matrix
- Influences
- Parents
- Social
- Ethnic Identity
- 1) Erikson's theory; Psychosocial development
- Gender differences in adolescent friendships
- Social cognition
- Social rejection, effects of...
- Cyberball
- Theory of mind in adolescence
- Occluded objects task
- Social rejection, effects of...
- Risk-taking and delinquency
- Moral development
- Kohlbergs theory
- Level 1; Pre-conventional morality
- Level 2; Conventional morality
- Level 3; Post-conventional morality
- Socio-cultural context
- Gender differences
- Kohlbergs theory
- Adolescence as a modern construct
- Tutorial; TV violence and Aggression
- Lecture 1; Infancy